Short Note on Apache Airflow in My MBP Docker
After I tried docker airflow on my macbook pro, It turned out that the worker can not run. I found out that default docker desktop memory is set to 2GB. After I change it to 6GB, It run smoothly.
If you don’t want to allocate more memory to docker desktop, you can change from Celery Executer to Sequential Executer and remove worker and flower because sequential executer not using it. You can change it in your docker-compose.yml from apache airflow official link above. The sequential executer is enough to try out on your machine.
Example on Github
Create 4 Folders in current path. (logs, dags, plugins, postgres-db-volume)
mkdir ./dags ./logs ./plugins ./postgres-db-volume
Run docker-compose airflow-init
docker-compose up airflow-init
Run docker-compose up
docker-compose up
Check airflow at http://localhost:8080
Default login is airflow / airflow
For DAG Example, You can follow official airflow example.