K8S Minio Statefulsets
Short note on using Minio on K8S with NFS as PVs. You can set up NFS Server from my link below.
After follow the setting of NFS Server from my link above, you have to set up the folder for Minio.
Navigate to folder /mnt/nfs_share and create folder minio, minio0, minio1
cd /mnt/nfs_share/
mkdir minio
cd minio
mkdir minio0
mkdir minio1
Change owner/group in NFS folder to
sudo chmod 777 minio0
sudo chmod 777 minio1
sudo chown nobody:nogroup minio0
sudo chown nobody:nogroup minio1
These are good read.
Next, apply yml file to deploy MySQL StatefulSets. You must change NFS Server IP to yours (in pv.yml). You must change External IP to yours(in ingress-route.yml). This is for example only.
Next, Config traefik to expose minio to outside world.
From My Repo, You can see file 05-traefik.yml. Add entrypoint and port in traefik deployment.
Add port in traefik-service in file 04-traefik-service.yml
I use argo to deploy, after deploy will look like this.
You can access minio console at http://your-external-ip:9001
You can config to your url too follow my whoami repo.