K8S Lens with Google Cloud.
Note on using Lens to monitor GKE.
Download Lens desktop from website and sign in/ sign up.
Next, Download and Install gcloud.
Use the install script to add gcloud CLI tools to your PATH
Login to gcloud via gloud cli.
gcloud auth login
This will popup your browser to login to your google account.
After that, you can list your project.
gcloud projects list
Then set your active project. You will need your project id.
gcloud config set project your-project-id
Then, we can get credential to connect to GKE. You need your cluster name and the zone your cluster in.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials your-cluster-name --zone=asia-southeast1-a
It will add credential in file config in .kube directory. You can check the file by command.
cat ~/.kube/config
Then, open Lens.
Click + and navigate to ~/.kube folder then click sync.
Your cluster will appear in the list. You can double click your cluster to connect.